Thursday, May 3, 2012


I got my self evaluation done.  It is strange to write about oneself.  It is also strange to read the district's criteria.  It's a fine line.  I know what I am good at inside my brain but is that how I am perceived?  Oh well, it is done!  If it is not what is wanted then Im sure I will be informed.

Feeling all disjointed today and anxious.  I have my homework somewhat done for math studio.  I take it all so seriously and I get so bothered by people who don't take it seriously or think their way is the only way too teach.  Is it just their insecurities talking?  They bother me in their judgements. Or am I so naive that I believe the research?

I'm down another 1/2 pound.  So that makes it a 1 1/2 to goal.  But it is the weekend and I have 1 eating event to go to.  I need to be vigilant.

I have not been able to do any of my practices.  Did it just happen that way or did I plan it to happen this way?  I don't know.  I do know I had things I needed to do.  I also know I needed to be distracted.  So maybe Im not ready for mindless TV and books.  I need to be distracted and kept busy.  There are too many things that weigh heavy on my mind and heart.

So I go forth.  Hurting.  But going forward,  Up the mountain...  Or as our vocabulary word says: toward...
and as I told my students,
" Go toward the door. Freeze. What is behind you?  Come along..."

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