I had the second shot in my spine. He placed it in a different place today. He tried to get the worst place in my spine but kept hitting bone so he placed it lower. I guess I realized how serious the deterioration is in my spine. Dang that means surgery. I still want to be able to walk and work so I guess I will have to go there.
You know God created math and I believe it reaffirms the Natural order of things and the Natural Law. It's too bad we keep screwing things up in our old Adam. I do believe it is possible to have that marriage that God intended us all to have. It will just take 2 people committed and believing that God can and will sustain.
Here is the next part of Graph Theory:
The finite,
all the possibilities,
from you to me,
discrete in our individuality.
Separate but joined.
Having that “edge”,
where we can
Our algorithms,
we distinguish
our “n’s”,
till they fit
as one ,
as God intended.
The subtraction of self,
deny the sinner,
add the saint,
clothed in nakedness,
as in the Garden,
where there is no fear,
no snake,
no blame.
Christ’s death,
the Kairos,
lining it’s way to me on a number line,
jumps backward Eden wise,
the perfect Euler circuit,
where we travel together,
in foot,
without a blemish,
or a lift of friction.
a perfect equation:


Math always seems to have the answer.
It is in all I see…
It is in the Natural Order of God.
Subjective to God
and His Infinity.
And in His math touch I see our intersection.
What was ruined by a bite.
Can be again…
it is the continuation of a number line in Chronos,
in Kairos….
My God’s wish for me….
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