Once again I am amazed at how much I get out of
Vacation Bible School (VBS), and the children. You would think I would
remember this from year to year as I dread prepping for VBS. Sometimes I
think I get more out of it then the children! I also think probably if I
spent as much time in the Word as I do during VBS I would get a lot more out of
my life!
Today's lesson was one I was not looking forward to,
especially after last night. The story was from Matthew 4: 1-11, on the
three temptations of Christ in the desert. I do the storytelling for the
primary children. (Preschool through 2nd grade.) There is not much
of a "hook" to grab and it is a kind of an abstract, though important
lesson, for the children.
I was reading the leader's guide for background trying
to figure out how to engage the small children in the story, build background,
and define vocabulary for them. I was fascinated by the parallels between
Israel in the Old Testament, and Jesus in the New Testament. It was like
a "do over" with Jesus getting it right this time! (The only
human who could get it right!) I was stunned that Jesus' three replies to
the devil were direct quotes from Deuteronomy 8 and 6. I'd never realized
that before. It was a powerful realization for me!
At the same time I was contemplating the different
students in my classes, not only their ages but by behaviors. Some of our
clientele this year are a lot like the generational poor I can get at my Title
1 School. Their behavior determines how much structure I want in my
storytelling. (Can they handle the freedom to do fun things or does it
set them off and cause them to go out of control?)
At the same time this was going on in my vocation,
I was also thinking about my personal life. Before bed I made one of those
poor choices. My councilor had warned me about doing a certain action.
I needed to resist doing it because it would just make me feel bad which
could lead to more depression. So far I've been able to resist doing this
action for 5 weeks. Last night I yielded. My counselor was correct.
It did make me feel worse. It gave a dense weight to my brain and
sent me into a bout of feeling sorry for myself. (Kind of like the
Israelites in the desert, whiny and complaining about having no water or food
to eat.
“It wasn't like Egypt. Why did you lead us
out here to die Moses?”)
I woke up this morning with a sad and heavy heart
and mind AND had to teach this lesson on temptation to some children that were
very difficult to control and engage. WHAM! It hit me. I was
tempted last night and I gave in to the temptation. (A severe kick in
pants to myself!) I reread the story script from the leader's guide over
breakfast and this time I became aware of how Jesus was really able to resist
the temptation- The Word of God in context! The parallel between
this story and the first story we did about Eve being tricked by the serpent by
misquoting God's Word also slammed me up the side of the wall!
The first temptation the devil used against Jesus
was to turn the rocks into bread. (Jesus had been fasting for 40 days)
Jesus answered with a direct quote from Deuteronomy 8:3. The next
temptation was the devil misquoting Psalms 91:11-12. Jesus quotes right
back at him from Deuteronomy 6:16. The last temptation Jesus quotes
from Deuteronomy 6:13. Jesus was able to resist temptation from the devil
by using God's Word and because of that He was able to fulfill God's promise to
Adam and Eve of a Savior who died for our sins.
The story not only came together for me personally but
also was actually a very successful lesson in the classroom today! I was
able to keep their attention, manage certain children so they were not so
disruptive, and teach God's Word!
I was tempted. I gave in to temptation with
the consequences I knew would happen. I did not use God as my Strength.
I did not use God' Word to resist temptation.
I am forgiven. I also do not have to wallow
in self-pity and feel sorry for myself. I am NOT alone. I am LOVED!
I am GOOD at my vocation of teaching! God has a plan- just like He
had a plan for the world through Jesus Christ. I am part of His plan and
he's got my back! He did the "do over" for me and got it right!
I need to remember to listen to God's Word, use God's Word, and listen
to the children!
The refrain I taught the children to chant when directed during the
story was”
“Go away, devil!
God’s Word is strong!”
Good words for life!!!
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