Saturday, July 28, 2012

Temptations- part 2

Man, this has been a rough week! Yielding to all sorts of temptations and wondering what is going on inside me!  I know the things to do but I am having a difficult time resisting.  It's especially frustrating after Day 4 of Vacation Bible School (VBS) where I learned how Jesus resisted temptations.

I don't know if it is because VBS is over and it is a let down?  Is it because I heard from my lawyer? or because the court date for my divorce is coming up?  Maybe scanning all the baby pictures is not helping?

My strategies work for awhile and then ----evening happens....

I want to eat greasy, salty foods, drink beer and wine, and feel sorry for myself.  Then I do stupid things like letting my evil child use the telephone to send snarky messages to my sons.  Dang!  That sets me back!

I had my healthy meal of fish, tried to work on a poem, scanned some pictures and then finally gave in and had a beer.  Good thing I don't keep much naughty food in my house. Pathetic- eating old orange sherbet with a Wasa cracker broke into it!

I should have gone to see a friend.  I should have been praying and being in the Word.  Or at least listening to a podcast from one of my favorite Lutheran Pastors.  No I indulged in a pity party.

Then I have to wake the next morning and see what stupid thing I did last night.I haven't learned that lesson yet.

Today I still want to eat bad things.  I'm going over to a friend's house so at least I won't be alone with my thoughts.  It's rough learning how to be alone.  I want my magic wand to wave and make myself invincible in my aloneness.

Getting back in the saddle again- yee  haw!  I don't want to go back to the way I was with all my weight and troubles.  I will persevere, when all I really want to do is go,


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