Sunday, August 12, 2012


Saturday was North Beach time: the Italian district.  The plan was to have coffee and different kind of pastries at various shops.  The trolleys were already running full so we just started walking.  In ordr to get to North Beach we had to go through Chinatown.  This time instead of Oriental Trading Company stores we found the Saturday market where the locals shopped for produce, meat, and other staples.  It was fascinating!  I saw veggies I've never seen before and meat markets that looked like Andrew Zimmerman of Bizzarre food fame!

It was totally cool to see the Asian markets.  They were almost frantic in their purchasing of meat and produce.  Probably things we would not ever consider eating!

It was so crowed we weaved our way through the people.  I could have dawdled for hours, just looking at unknown items.
I did wonder what kind of vegetable the green thing was.  I saw a lot of it and I've never seen it before.
I have no idea what these were.  They did not really appeal, but I like to think I would try a bite.  I don't think I'm exactly an Andrew Zimmerman type.
Dim Sum?

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