Friday, October 21, 2011

Studio 2


Deliberate Steps.
Structured Talk.
Sequence of ideas.
Responsible for self.
Responsible to community.

(Rules in a classroom, rules in life)

A community of two,
becomes one.
What relational thinking
are we constructing?

(a sexual union that leads to marriage?)

We could execute
we memorized.

(We could do what is done on TV and in the movies,
but it never works that way, does it?)

It’s not what I desire
to observe.

(I don’t want to play that game with you. I want honesty, truth, and a desire that rings true in body and bones.)

Our discourse
(planned at full moon night)
worthwhile till disconnect.

(Those planned telephone calls where everything important is left unsaid.)

Step by step.
Direct model.
One to one correspondence.

(In the world of dating, where scores are kept, it always seems to lead to a sexual relationship, that looks to be two becoming one but is actually just a flagrant abuse of self.)

Works for math,
Effective execution.

(In math it is never messy. It’s logical and the out come is predictable….)

But Life litters
roadways with white plastic
grocery bags, tied in knots
and ripped out bottoms.

( life is just so much debris we wade through to find treasure.)

Discourse is silence,
Messy pauses,
In empty cans,
Slimy with pregnant molds.

(It’s all those unsaid things we don’t dare talk about yet.)

Steps that seem deliberate
are just missteps off the path.
Trod through beggar’s lice-
Words get hung up in socks and trouser pants.
Lodging in the elastic band of underwear.

(the word we don’t say get caught up, hung up, in the barriers we create.)

Construction is haphazard,
first my side in power
then yours…

(So often it is about who has power over whom? Not a mutual loving relationship but who can one up the other. Who can beat to submission.)

This “science”

of procreation
with pleasure,
bed ward,
in fiction…

(Can sex in real life ever reach the heights of fiction?)

Yet, relentless in our practice,
high expectations.
Selecting and sequencing,
To make sense of…

(Yet as humans we keep trying to find that perfect mate. We use and discard each other instead of persevering through our lifely sorrows with each other. Our hearts are hardened towards each other.)

II. Direct Model ( Ok lets get real with this mathematical metaphor)

Direct Model: Joining. (SEX)
It’s hard (i.e. difficult) (you may take that the wrong way…)
To have 2 seals on a rock,
2 swimming in the ocean…
(and all I can think of is you…) (How can I concentrate when all I can think of is you?)

There is no key word to indicate operation.
(Story problems have got to give the right clues so we know which operation to do. Just so you must give me clues to what you feel?)

The action of joining- (that would be sex)
They jumped in to join the swimming seals…
1 man + 1 woman
Result: Unknown. (And what happens to people when the sex they give is not in marriage, as God wants it to be? The results are not the known because that is not how we were created.)

1+1 = ?

(Oh we think the answer is so simple but if it is not for marriage what the hell good does it do?)

A touch to cube, (a union)
Pulling toward self. (If it is not a union, it is destruction, pulling selves apart.)

Derived facts:
(the story supports subtraction- a taking away- could be of self- or the destruction of a relationship.)

Not a sense of step,
but a relationship
Where numbers commune,
communicate on a number line.
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
are not procedures
but relationships.
( Math is about relationships. Just as life is about relationships. It’s not about physical pleasure only but about that deep connection to each other.)

What connections are left?
And are they true for every situation?
Would you conjecture with me?
(I wonder…?)
Or are we just a broad generalization of failure?

( So are we going to be a couple in love for the rest of our lives or just another fling in emotions? And if it is a fling it is failure.))

Analyze this:
Which relationship might simplify the solution to the problem?

To be joined
or separate?

(So do we try to make this work by joining in mind and body? Or do we just go our own way?)

To sort the factors,
Graph the results
Determine the end result?
A pictorial depiction of the relationship….
We could make a pro and con list, make a T chart, hey we could even make pictures….)

Do the genuine questions I ask myself
Reveal the pattern,
Or disclose the operation?

( So if I am honest with myself can I even entertain a stay motion?)

Are we just a direct model
Or does our relationship
Advance our thinking?

(Can we change to suit each other because our love is strong- I fear not….)

In the name of Algebra
And all that is math
Can we make the connection?

(Just because we can make it work in math it is never that simple in life and because I ask the question belies my doubts… What I want I fear cannot happen. I am sad.)

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