Friday, July 20, 2012


Why do teenage girls bother me so much?  Because in my child I never felt comfortable in my teens?! It is an area of my life I was not successful in in?  Did I jump to adulthood to soon?

I know I made poor choices as a teen.  I really do believe now in abstinence before marriage.  The sexual act was never meant to be shared with multiple partners.  It ruined me for all my future relationships.  Which I obviously have not done well at.  I would have been better off saving myself for marriage and having that Christ like love in my life for all my life instead of being alone at 55, with a broken family.

Could you have told me this at 16?  NO.  I would not have listened.  Should I have just married my first?  I doubt it would have lasted for me because of my "free love " state.  Or maybe my Lutheran upbringing would have kicked in and I would have worked as hard on that marriage as I did with Pat.

It doesn't matter now.  The past is done and I am forgiven.  I still must go through the consequences of my poor choices.

Anyway I am insecure in my presence around teens because I revert to my insecure child....

Of course another thought I had was I'm probably such a good KG and first grade teacher because my child never grew beyond that age!

I'm just lonely.  I think it is because I've been used to having someone around for better or worse 31 years.  It gives me lots of time to think.

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