Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pietists and other things to ponder!

Pietists create a god in the image of human experience while, on the other hand, rationalists create a god in the image of human knowledge. Yet, they share something in common: through their teaching they're raising their children to be functional atheists.

Why do you think the world is full of shame & misery? Because all want to be their own lords, to be free of all authority. Dr. Luther

The work of the Holy Spirit is to bestow Christ's benefits on sinners, His Word & His Sacraments, only when & where He will - not where the individual will. There isn't any moment of decision; the decision is God's & it's already made once & for all.

All manner of religion, where people serve God w/out his Word & command, is simply idolatry, & the more holy & spiritual such a religion seems, the more hurtful & venomous it is; for it leads people away from the faith of Christ, & makes them rely & depend upon their own strength, works, & righteousness.

... Martin Luther (1483-1546), Table-Talk [1566], CLXXI

Theological Thought for the Day: The decisive eternal question is not whether something is sinful but whether it is Sin-full, that is, full of Sin. And the determining factor is not what was done but who did it. If a poor, miserable sinner did it, then it is Sin-full, regardless of how good it is.

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