Monday, June 11, 2012


‎"Where is God when I'm hurting? This is the issue for people who are struggling with the pain of sin and guilt. The standard approach today is inadequate. We can do more than give biblical examples of people who triumphed over sin. We can do more than talk about 'surrender.' We can do more than provide how-to lists for living the 'victorious life.' Sin kills. And corpses don't triumph or surrender or live victorious lives. Remorseful sinners need rescue before reform. They need resurrection before rehabilitation. And this is exactly what Christ brings to the sinner in the word of his gospel absolution through the mouth of the pastor." -Harold Senkbeil, "Sanctification: Christ in Action" viaKelly Beth Klages

Come and eat His bread and drink His wine which He has prepared for you. Drink His wine and get blind, staggering drunk because His whole cellar is full of two-thousand–year-old, two-hundred proof Grace – of bottle after bottle of pure distillate blood of Christ, one sip of which will save you single-handedly because it’s distilled with equal parts forgiveness, life, and eternal salvation.

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