Saturday, April 14, 2012


I have been following the storms in KS over the KSN news internet. Wedge tornadoes, straight line winds, dry line, doppler radar. I am amazed at the advancement of technology and storm watching. They talk of notches and show it on the radar. The tornadoes are in the notches. They can tell where the wind speeds are. So far no loss of life. They have been warning people of these storms for 2 days and they are right! One went right through Wichita. Right now Salina is getting ready for another one.

I'm all anxious feeling over these storms. It has stirred up all these emotions I have been trying to put to rest. It's like those straight line winds at the back of the storm line has blown all the way across the mountains to Oregon to my little apartment. Ga, memories of the past and the illusions I have created from those memories. Dammit.

Tornadoes have always terrified the living daylights out of me. I had nightmares every year when I lived in KS. Not one nightmare since I have lived in Oregon. It was always personal. the tornado had a personality and it would deliberately chase me. I would always wake before it got to me. Chilling. Ironically, I never went through a tornado till I was in high school in Salina.

What a metaphor.

So I broke the silence.

I keep striving to be better.

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